Thursday, July 8, 2010

JULY eighth

Its 12:37 and it just stopped raining... 

Actually it stopped raining this afternoon and now it is as humid as heck outside. But (even though it is 12:37 at the moment) it doesn't matter because it still made me think of that infamous line to a song I once wrote. So I guess it is worth it. 

Today was a long one. I had set my alarm for 5:40 in the morning so that I would be able to wake up and finish writing a paper for my religion class that I am currently taking during the summer. Then I caught the 7:50 bus and rode it to school.  After class was over I walked in the rain to the bus stop and rode the 12:11 bus back downtown. Unfortunately I jumped the gun and got to the bus stop 15 minutes before the bus came which meant I sat wet and freezing in the overly-air-conditioned bus for the 20 minute ride home. By the time I got downtown my friend Jared (who graduated from Calvin, who also happens to be from NJ) called and said he was in town and wanted to meet up for lunch. So I hopped off the bus, (my glasses immediately fogged up) walked across the street and ordered an espresso from my favorite coffee shop Madcap while I waited for Jared to finish at the Library. 

We went to Marie Catrib's for lunch, which was, as usual, freaking amazing. I ordered the sweet potato and quinoa sandwich on branny oat bread and an iced tea.  For emphasis I will repeat that it was..freaking. amazing. 

After lunch we (Jared, Liz, Kristen, and myself) went to Calvin (college) and I stacked rocks outside while I waited for the rest of the group to pick up some art making supplies. Then they dropped me off at my apartment and I said goodbye. After that I took a nap because after all I had been awake since 5:40 if you remember. [side note: taking naps in the middle of the day can be one of the best things in the world. Especially when you can look out your window and see the mid day rain evaporating off the hot sidewalks.]  

Then I woke up abruptly from my nap, remembered I was supposed to make dinner for Alex and myself and hurried to look up a recipe that used the few ingredients I have in my cupboards.  I decided it would be best to pretend like I was on the food network show "Chopped" and wing it.  I made vegetable stir fry with sesame oil, rice, and perogies that I sauteed with onions.  I made an asian dumpling dipping sauce (worcestershire, sesame oil, vinegar, onions) which made the perogies taste more asian than polish.  Then after dinner I used the left over rice and made and attempt at making rice pudding (Grandma Clark style).  I think it would have turned out better if I had used a smaller baking dish which would have made the pudding 'thicker.'  Alex and I hung out for a bit as she did her laundry and then drove back home. 

Im pretty happy with today but Im also looking forward to going to bed as soon as I am done this post. This weekend Alex and I are going camping on the shore of lake Michigan which should be a good time and hopefully lead to a more engaging post than me just writing about my day. I will make sure to take a bunch of photos of the lake and wildlife and birds and fish and what not. Now if I can only get some followers who read this stuff... 

PS: I saw the pastor of the church I go to walking down the street with his family. It was a big deal being that he is Rob Bell. 


  1. 1. Wow Stephen, I love your blog, it's hilarious!
    2. I'm so glad you started blogging! I feel like we're friends again because I can actually keep in touch with you and see what your up to! I miss you buddy!
    3. Sorry I took so long to find it; I was at David's house in PA for 2 days!
    4. Speaking of David, did you know that he has a blog too? I actually copied him, which means that when you copied me, you indirectly copied David, haha! Here's the link to his! Now we just gotta get Mitch to start Blogging!
    5. You're kitchen is awesome! I really want to sit on your oddvar! :)
    6. Have I ever mentioned that I love that you can cook, and well?
    7. That coffee shop is so cool and that lunch looked amazing!
    8. Your camping weekend sounds epic! Can't wait to here about it.

  2. I like how I commented on this the other day but the comment is gone. Again I will say that this post is forever awesome for the 12:37 reference.
