Recently someone linked me to a blog post they had about Charlie Chaplin, Robert Smith, and The Cure. It is a pretty interesting idea that Robert Smith could have been influenced by Charlie Chaplin to such an extent. Well, that got me thinking. Charlie does look pretty dang sweet in the short film "The Cure". (Watch it if you haven't. I just watched it by myself and it made me laugh out loud. It's fifteen minutes of classic comedy. )

Just take a minute to think about how music and culture and art influences everything (such as music, culture, art) that comes after it. I think it's pretty funny/sad when people don't realize where trends come from. Take the "hipster" movement of today. I won't go into to much detail about it now (I'll save it for another day) but let's not kid ourselves. There is very little new under the sky. (I stole this picture from a friend's facebook album. I know I am a creeper. ) Im sure these two fellas are pretty cool cats. And yes, they are probably pulling more from the 80's then from the early 1900's but if we are assuming Robert Smith was copying Chaplin in anyway then hey, you never know...

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